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Beal Investment

We strive to reduce emissions and improve resource efficiency—embedding sustainability into our investments and companies, and measuring the resulting impact over time.

We believe in building great companies and investments for the long term where meaningful progress on addressing ESG risks and upside opportunities, including those relating to sustainability and environmental impact, are key to driving long-term growth and performance.

Climate change poses a systemic risk to the global economy, representing not only a strategic and business challenge for all companies and investors, but also a significant opportunity for those that align their businesses, operations, and portfolios on a pathway to decarbonization.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are leveraging the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD) to increase our rigor and transparency in ESG strategy and reporting. In our 2023 ESG Report, you’ll find our full TCFD disclosures.

Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral for              
Firm Operations


of firm office space in green-certified buildings

Beal Investment is deeply committed to combating climate change—not just because it’s important, but also because it drives real value and resilience within our companies. When we acquire a business, we bring environmental strategies into its operations to reduce carbon emissions, while leaning into renewable energy and sustainable materials—and these are things we all should be doing.

Integrating ESG

Private Investments

Our teams focused on Private Investments have continued to make notable progress in evaluating and managing environmental factors during the course of the investment process, partnering with our portfolio companies to catalyze climate strategies and progress. The pillars of our portfolio company approach are built around measurement of environmental footprints, reduction in impact, and consideration of environmental factors in business operations. Thanks to these efforts, many of our portfolio companies have positioned themselves well to face transition risks, including by measuring their carbon baselines, setting reduction and net zero targets aligned with the SBTi, and more.

Credit & Special Situations

When making investments, we take a tailored approach to evaluating the differentiated risk and opportunities across sectors, taking into consideration our varying degrees of control across our strategies. In addition to these considerations, we seek to approach investments with a robust diligence process and investment decision-making framework based on material ESG factors.